Here are the answers to the most commonly asked questions about chiropractors in Broomfield. Knowing the answers to these important questions will help you pick the best chiropractor in Broomfield for you. If we didn’t cover a question you may have, give Life Alive Chiropractic a call at (303) 386-3696 and we will be more than happy to help answer your question.

Over the counter drugs are no longer under the radar since pediatric cough and cold medications perform no better than placebo (sugar pill)

Since 1985, all six randomized, placebo-controlled studies of the use of cough and cold preparations in children under 12 years of age have not shown any meaningful differences between the active drugs (robitussin, dimetapp, tylenol plus, pediacare, and triaminic) and placebo (sugar pill). A placebo is when a group of people thinks they are getting medication, but they actaully don’t, they get an inert substance, like a sugar pill. The bottom-line is that direct-to-consumer ads deem these medications safe and effective; however, 750,000 reports of concern to poison-control centers to cough and cold products were reported from 2000-2007.

What’s an alternative? There are 2 that come to mind. One is to let the body do the healing, such as fever, sweat, cough, and diarrhea. It is vital to know that the body’s normal immunity response handles a cold between 7-10 days. If the temperature is 102 degrees or below, this is deemed as a normal physiological response, meaning the intelligence of the body raises the temperature so the virus can no longer survive in that environment. Rest and hydration and sleep are key in the fever part of recovery. This also builds natural immunity with cells that have memory called B-cells from the immune system. This means next time this ‘invader” or virus comes in contact with your child, they will have a “SWAT” team of cells that remember, seek, and destroy the virus or bacteria. The second way, while you are letting the body “do it’s thing” is to get adjusted by a chiropractor. Although more and more evidence is building,

Here on this page was a review of effectiveness of spinal adjustments, triggering the body’s natural immune response. In the review, researchers found 49 studies involving the use of spinal manipulation to treat ear infections in children. All of the 15 case reports included in the study resulted in improved hearing or decreased OM symptoms. The case series included in the study also demonstrated a decrease in recurrent symptoms or number of recurrences. None of the studies reported adverse effects. other items that may help relieve suffering while the body is healing are: Echinacea, xylitol, and herbs to naturally relieve pain and prevent future infections.

A chiropractor who specializes in nutrition can also help you identify whether food allergies are the source of increased inflammation and recurring infections.

The short answer is no, but there are times when someone is already hurting due to inflammation in the body. The act of the adjustment puts temporary pressure for about 1/100th of a second to a joint to release the pressure off the nerves. Your body releases a chemical called neurotensin that relieves pain. Your brain and body have powerful internal chemicals that help us get through painful things in life, physically and emotionally. Another word for adjustment is release, and a release brings relief more than pain or hurt.  I see people of all ages, and the overwhelming majority love their adjustments. Temporary soreness from the internal shifting of the muscles is common, but that is your brain telling the nerves to connect with the muscles differently to align the body. Let’s not go blaming the brain for helping us heal

After a thorough assessment of the individual’s unique issue, gentle adjustments are made that will allow the body to recover its natural alignment. If more rehabilitation is necessary, your chiropractor will help you stretch, strengthen, and teach you a daily movement plan to get through to the other side of sciatic pain. Sciatic pain is often debilitating to function, and chiropractic specializes in restoring function so that sciatic nerve has room to move and work as intended.

Some people respond very quickly while others take more time to recover. It really depends on the condition of the disc or the joints that the chiropractor has to correct. That is why being preventive about getting spinal check-ups every month is crucial to joint, spinal, and neurological health.  In most cases, the longer the issue persists, the longer it will take to achieve correction.

The great news is that it typically takes less time to fix an issue like this than it took to create it. Once the position of the spine and discs are improved, patients often report improvements to their overall health.

The sound, after hearing it over and over again in my practice is a sound of release, a click, or in less cases, a pop. It is not exactly known why each body makes a different release sound. The most current research says that it is a release of “air” or more specially nitrogen and carbon dioxide and oxygen. I ask my clients, what happens if you put to much carbonation or soda in your belly? They say I burp or belch, which is a release of air/gas. What happens if you have indigestion from eating too fast or eating the wrong things for too long? They usually say they pass gas, a flatulence or fart, which is also a release of gas.  It’s pressure going from higher to lower, which is a normal intelligent response from your body to bring balance back to the body. I can tell you what the sound is not, it is not bones breaking, tissues ripping, or the sound of injury like you see on bruce lee, Arnold schwarzzeneger, or Sean Claude Van Damme films.

Yes, which is denoted in the letters that denote credentials after someone’s name. In the case of a chiropractor, it is D.C., which stands for doctorate of chiropractic. Chiropractors do not hold medical degrees, so the credentials would not denote M.D., which stands for medical doctor. Chiropractors do have extensive training in chiropractic care and are ed practitioners.

Chiropractors begin their education by getting an undergraduate degree with a focus in the sciences. After graduation, they move on to a four-year chiropractic program with both classes and hands-on experience. All states in the United States require that chiropractors obtain a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from a Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE) accredited college. 

Chiropractic has been helping millions of people every year since its inception. It started in 1895 in Davenport, Iowa, when a janitor regained his hearing after an adjustment by D.D. Palmer. Harvey Lillard, the janitor had lost his hearing when he stooped in the basement to pick something heavy up. He felt something shift and “pop” in his neck and could not hear the tick of the clock after that moment. D.D. Palmer built the philosophy of chiropractic, which in greek means “done by hand,” out of the following tenets of reason. Your brain grows into a cord called your spinal cord, which is  like a highway for information to get information from the peripheral nerves in our arms and legs to the brain, and a response from our brain to our body again to take the right action. Your nervous system is encased in bone called your spinal column, or simply your backbone. These back bones can get out of place, like in Lillard’s situation when he picked up something heavy and felt something shift and “pop.” When the bones lose relationship to each other and cannot move properly, this applies pressure to the nerve tissue, and transport of communication signals is distubed. Maintaining proper relationshi, alignment and nerve signals are central tenets to the science, philosophy and translates to how chiropractic care is delivered. Chiropractic grew and grew over the years and is now the largest, non-pharmacologic and integrative healing profession in the world.  Chiropractic thrives because it follows the rules of biology: the body is self-healing and regulating, Life force or energy in the body is made in the cells and communicates to the brain through the spinal cord. Structure determines function, so chiropractors look at relieving tension and dis-ease at the functional level. If this is the root of a person’s ailment, which a proper exam will reveal, people experience the many benefits of chiropractic care.

The profession of chiropractic locates and correct vertebral subluxations, or detrimental misalignments of the spine that deteriorate health if not corrected and kept functional throughout life.  A visit to your chiropractor will include a history taking, an exam, further consultation or an adjustment, which is correcting spinal misalignments to unleash energy within the body for healing. This is as important as detecting major arteries of your heart being clogged or eliminating and preventing cavities in your teeth to protect oral and cardiovascular health. Nerve interference must be 60% complete before the person feels a symptom, which can be dangerous because the tissues and bones start to inflame and eventually deteriorate earlier that aging should allow. Chiropractors are leaders in helping people find the root cause of their problems, restores range of motion in their joints, increasing their quality of life and capacity to adapt to stress and work productively. Chiropractors bring more energy to people’s lives. Chiropractors know and have seen for 125 years that the inborn intelligence of the body is something to be respected and worked with to help sick people get better and for healthy people to reach their full potential. 

Yes, chiropractors are useful healthcare practitioners to consult if your goal is health or management of chronic disease. Chiropractors are not useful in acute or emergency situations where powerful pharmaceuticals and immediate surgery, MRI, CT scan, or x-ray is needed. This would be a situation best suited for a hospital. Medical doctors are trained in emergency care, chiropractors are best utilized and most helpful when you can walk into their office. Chiropractors are very useful for consultation about nagging pains, gaining peak performance for a professional performer or athlete, and for kids through stages of development and growth. 

Chiropractic works when the proper ailment or neurological dysfunction called a vertebral subluxation or musculoskeletal misalignment is properly detected and corrected. Chiropractic is efficient at addressing the root cause of conditions, and is effective in delivering care and treatment that is effective, efficient and affordable.


Most exams are in the $100-200 dollar range, which includes all the care the first day. If you go in for follow up appointments, they could range from $40-$100 depending on what is found and done that day. From then on, depending on the problem, the care could range from $300 – $3,000 for the year. A time to time model have a vast array of pricing due to the practitioner’s skill level, time spent with a client, and actually how many spinal segments or vertebral subluxations need to be adjusted or cared for. Overall, chiropractors keep cost affordable and deliver tremendous value. One adjustment changed my entire outlook on my life because I had such a beneficial result from the first one. This is not always the case, but everyone loves fast resolution to their health problems which chiropractic has the ability to do often. 

Yes, all healthcare interventions come with some side effects, positive and negative at times. Side effects may include short-lived exacerbation or soreness. Examples where adjustments or soft-tissue work are contra-indicated or should not be done are bone and joint infections, fractures of bones, exuberant swelling after an acute injury, tumors, severe osteoporosis, and joints containing surgical hardware.


There are generally 3 ways to engage with a chiropractor, general health and wellness, which if confirmed by your chiropractor 1 to 4 times per month may be recommended, but the nice thing about chiropractic is that people have a say in their care and are listened to by their chiropractor. If someone is very sick, not able to walk well, or has a condition like sciatica, these cases more difficult, so they will take a longer time. The real time period depends on the type of tissue that is injured on or near the spine. Muscles heal faster than nerve or bone tissue, usually due to amount of blood supply they receive. A chiropractic plan that aims to correct conditions that took years to get that way may take 1-2 years of visits with consistency to resolve. The benefits of regular care. Chiropractic care is best-utilized like an exercise program, not too much, which would be everyday, and not too little, which would be once per year. Most times, the amount of session are 1-3 times per week, then lessen as the person gets better. Healing takes time. 


There are generally 3 ways to engage with a chiropractor, general health and wellness, which if confirmed by your chiropractor 1 to 4 times per month may be recommended, but the nice thing about chiropractic is that people have a say in their care and are listened to by their chiropractor. If someone is very sick, not able to walk well, or has a condition like sciatica, these cases more difficult, so they will take a longer time. The real time period depends on the type of tissue that is injured on or near the spine. Muscles heal faster than nerve or bone tissue, usually due to amount of blood supply they receive. A chiropractic plan that aims to correct conditions that took years to get that way may take 1-2 years of visits with consistency to resolve. The benefits of regular care. Chiropractic care is best-utilized like an exercise program, not too much, which would be everyday, and not too little, which would be once per year. Most times, the amount of session are 1-3 times per week, then lessen as the person gets better. Healing takes time. 

The most common all involve touching, which the chiropractor does by hand or a tool. Touching is an important part of the body bringing itself back to neurological function.  We explain everything in our office and ask permission to touch while the person gets used to this kind of healthcare. It is always delivered with honor for your space, respect for your boundaries, and with the most gentleness with still delivering care that is efficient and effective. We adapt to your needs, not the other way around. The techniques are called diversified, torque release technique, Thompson, sacral occipital technique, neuro-emotional technique, bio-geometric integration, network spinal analysis, toggle upper cervical, and extremity technique and drop table.

Google Ryan and Andrea Schrock, chiropractors at Life alive.


There are generally 3 ways to engage with a chiropractor, general health and wellness, which if confirmed by your chiropractor 1 to 4 times per month may be recommended, but the nice thing about chiropractic is that people have a say in their care and are listened to by their chiropractor. If someone is very sick, not able to walk well, or has a condition like sciatica, these cases more difficult, so they will take a longer time. The real time period depends on the type of tissue that is injured on or near the spine. Muscles heal faster than nerve or bone tissue, usually due to amount of blood supply they receive. A chiropractic plan that aims to correct conditions that took years to get that way may take 1-2 years of visits with consistency to resolve. The benefits of regular care. Chiropractic care is best-utilized like an exercise program, not too much, which would be everyday, and not too little, which would be once per year. Most times, the amount of session are 1-3 times per week, then lessen as the person gets better. Healing takes time. 


The chiropractor solves health problems with accuracy. The one thing chiropractors focus on is function and its relationship to all parts of the body through the nerve system. Each segment of the spine protects different nerves that go to all parts of the body, so it depends on where someone is having symptoms and what the exam reveals as far as dysfunction to determine what areas the chiropractor will address. The area of the upper back could mean the person is having neck, shoulder, arm pain, or asthma because all those nerves regulate those area. Some other common sypmtoms people have when arriving at the office are low back back, indigestion, bloating, midback pain, shoulder pain, headaches, vertigo or off balance. Some special populations like pregnant women we have helped with round ligament pain, back pain, and improving strength and posture as the pregnancy continues. 


There are many ways chiropractors use, which is helpful because each individual is different. Chiropractors are trained in many different ways to analyze and correct body misalignment with different hands-on or tool techniques that have been tested through time. Science is realizing that chronic pain is complex, and chiropractors use a variety of adjusting techniques that have advanced over the years. Chiropractors relieve pressure off nerves, but they also can council on different lifestyle factors such as ergonomics and stress-reduction hat may help relieve pain faster or for longer.  Chiropractors come up with different solutions for different people. If tissues and bones heal within a dysfunctional state, the injury will most likely turn into chronic pain. To avoid, visit your local chiropractor and ask for a spinal and function check of your spine, pelvis and limbs. 

Doctors of Chiropractic (DCs) care for patients of all ages, with a variety of health conditions.  DCs are especially well known for their expertise in caring for patients with back pain, neck pain and headaches…particularly with their highly skilled  manipulations or chiropractic adjustments. They also care for patients with a wide range of injuries and disorders of the musculoskeletal system, involving the muscles, ligaments and joints. These painful conditions often involve or impact the nervous system, which can cause referred pain and dysfunction distant to the region of injury. DCs also counsel patients on diet, nutrition, exercise, healthy habits, and occupational and lifestyle modification. 
The physical stress of pregnancy can lead to a great deal of discomfort, including low back pain and related issues, such as sciatica, leg cramps, and constipation. This can make daily tasks a challenge and contribute to difficulties in labor. Dr. Ryan and Dr. Andrea each have big hearts for pregnant women and babies in the Broomfield community and aim to help their practice members have the best birth outcome possible via chiropractic care. They both are certified in the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association’s Webster technique, a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment that is incredibly beneficial to women during pregnancy. Chiropractic care is vital to the normal physiological function of both mom and baby throughout pregnancy and delivery.  The physical stress of pregnancy can lead to a great deal of discomfort, including low back pain and related issues, such as sciatica, leg cramps, and constipation. This can make daily tasks a challenge and contribute to difficulties in labor. Dr. Ryan and Dr. Andrea each have big hearts for pregnant women and babies in the Broomfield community and aim to help their practice members have the best birth outcome possible via chiropractic care. They both are certified in the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association’s Webster technique, a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment that is incredibly beneficial to women during pregnancy. 
When the exam reveals nerve disturbance, then a chiropractor can locate and deliver a very specific and scientific force to unlock the stuck joint that is affecting the person’s nerve and giving them symptoms. A chiropractor also may not introduce an adjustment with a force, but more of a gentle touch to cue the nervous system to calm down in certain areas. Touch is an essential part of healing and the signaling different molecules in the brain to release and help the body come back to balance. Low back pain will affect over 80% of the population, and chiropractic has been shown among the most effective to help people get lasting relief. A gallup poll from Palmer Chiropractic College revealed that over half of the people are satisfied with their chiropractic experience. It is favored over a drug-approach by most that try it.
As in low back pain, sometimes the nerves of the neck can get impinged from sitting at a desk. If you have ever felt that tension across the back of your head, a headache over your eye or temple, or tense muscles on top of your shoulders, you know the feeling of a possible misalignment of the neck.  This causes an array of symptoms because the brain talks to the rest of the body through the neck. Chiropractors use tools, scans, and physical exams to determine if the cause of someone’s neck pain is coming from their spine, and properly care for it through restoration of fuction, range of motion, and gentle stretches and ergonomic changes. Once the nerve pressure is relieved,the body can self-heal and regulate as usual.
All clients are not equal when it comes to body type, personality, tolerance of being touched for physical examination, and ability to get around, so chiropractors take all this into account when seeing someone to help them. Part of the history is taking an evaluation by observation of the person’s age, posture, gait (how they walk) and different examination processes to bring clarity as to how the person needs to be adjusted. A child for instance does not have fully formed joints, but they can be affected by the stress of school, being born by forceps extraction, peer pressure or falls during developmental stages. Their joints are not fully formed, so the chiropractor will apply about the pressure you would to test the ripeness of a tomato to do the adjustment. When a person is fully formed and is older, the joints need more force applied to restore motion and neurological function most of the time. Different ages, conditions, severity of problems, history, and psychological factors all play into how the person on the table may or may not be cared for by a chiropractor.
Sometimes, if the injury has not been there long and there have been no previous injuries or complicating genetic, skeletal anomalies, or severe stresses upon that person, the person can get relief from that condition permanently; however, daily stretching, exercises, eating a balanced diet, the person’s ergonomics, and making sure they have a clear neurological system is important in maintaining health. The majority of people that go to a chiropractor get results they are looking for. It is common sense that if we are doing things in our life that cause stress and strain to our spine, that we should have it checked regularly throughout the year before a small stress becomes pain, which robs people of energy, function, and the ability to perform their regular daily activities.
No, you can stretch and sometimes feel and hear your joints move when moving around; however, chiropractors are looking for joints causing you to feel like you have to move your neck around in the first place to get relief. A chiropractor is scientifically trained and taught how to best move joints through the proper range of motion and to watch out for times when an adjustments not appropriate. A daily routine of moving your spine in all its directions is something a Chiropractor can help you learn so you can learn to keep your mobility. This type of training is equivalent to “brushing and flossing” for your teeth. You would never clean your own teeth like the dentist does, so leave that to the professionals. Adjusting yourself can feel like relief at first, but I see people “pop” their own neck and it makes me worried due to the fact they are not pushing their joints in the proper range of motion. They are teaching their neck to go in ways that may wear down tissue and joints faster than normal aging. 
Sometimes during an exam or history, it is discovered more information needs to be collected, and at times, people may need to gown for inspection, scan, or x-ray of the spine. During a typical chiropractic visit, you are free to wear your normal clothing and keep it on during the entire appointment, A tip for those coming in for their first exam would be to wear loose clothing as for the doctor not to get false results due to range of motion restriction due to tight clothing.

Sometimes, treatment is not appropriate, but chiropractors have 4-6 years of post-graduate training and can determine the likelihood for a positive and safe outcome of each case. Children have stress, just like adults do, and the first thing that happens when our bodies cannot get over stress, is our immunity is lowered. Keeping the spine within normal function during childhood has shown promising results for kids to stay healthy. Some of the most common childhood illnesses that have been helped by chiropractic intervention are ear-infections, asthma, allergies, and kids on the autism spectrum. A good question to ask the office you call is if they have training to see kids because a small percentage of chiropractors don’t or do not like to see the pediatric population for favor or another population of specialty.

A new survey of European chiropractors confirmed that chiropractic is safe for kids. Less than 1% of children experienced side effects from chiropractic treatments, and they were all mild. No serious side effects were reported.

The survey included 956 chiropractors from 20 different European countries who had a total of nearly 20,000 pediatric visits a month. In the survey, 57% of pediatric patients were treated for musculoskeletal conditions, 23% for neurological issues, 12% for gastrointestinal complaints, and a smaller number were treated for infections or other miscellaneous concerns. Children represented 8.1% of chiropractors’ patient base in Europe, lower than in the US average of 17%.

Chiropractic schools or universities offering a doctorate of chiropractic train chiropractors for over 4 years in most cases, which the chiropractor ends up with over 4700 hours of post-graduate training. The first 2 years are mostly basic sciences and most classes would be similar to a medical degree. Year 3 and 4 start to specialize in the chiropractic art of adjustig and further clinical training in nutrition, physiotherapy, and advanced diagnostic imaging such as x-ray and MRI. Chiropractors also have the ability and are also required to earn furthering education as their career advances. The following subjects are areas in which chiropractors receive clinical training in: anatomy, physiology, chemistry, physics, diagnosis, microbiology, neurology, musculoskeletal conditions, spinal therapy, spinal adjusting, physiotherapy, orthopedics, pathology, psychology, obstetrics, and radiology. Most are well-trained and compassionate people who truly want to help people often because many chiropractors lives were touched in a transformational way through chiropractic. This is some times, the best part of a chiropractor’s training, a personal powerful experience.